Tuesday, July 17, 2012


So a little while ago I bought this baking book called The Art & Soul of Baking by Cindy Mushet. And I do have to say that it is a very nice book it covers all kinds of recipes. As I was reading through the beginning of the book and it was going over measuring. And I know that this sounds basic and straight forward but I thought that she had an interesting idea that I think that I am going to try out and see if it makes by baking more consistent. So one of the things that she says to do is to weigh out your dry ingredients rather than using measuring cups. And the theory behind it is that it eliminates inconsistencies so that you won't have variation from batch to batch. She even goes on to say that you can weigh out your liquid ingredients as well. But the main thing that she goes over several times is that when weighing out dry ingredients you need to check to see if it is sifted before or after measuring so if you want to weigh out a old recipe that you have that does not give you weigh equivalent you should alway assume that it was sifted

So I am going to give these things a try and see what happens. I am also hoping that it will actually make my life easier, cause when you think about it there should be less dishes because if you have a good scale you can just add the ingredients straight into the bowl and tare it after each addition. I am going to work on this for my next few baking projects and let you know how it works.

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